Hoyle Nursery School

Chesham Fold Road, Bury, Lancashire BL9 6HR

0161 761 6822


Staff and Governors


Rachel O'Neil

Head Teacher, SENDCo, DSL
Katy Copeland Assistant  Head Teacher, Deputy DSL

Jennifer Lowe                                                  Lead Teacher, Deputy DSL

Louise Mason Senior Early Years Practitioner, Assistant SENDCo
Lauren Beecroft Senior Early Years Practitioner
Chelsea Owen Early Years Practitioner
Emma Hudson Early Years Practitioner
Joanne Holt Early Years SENDCo
Kamila Petelicka Early Years Practitioner
Kathryn Ridley Early Years Practitioner
Kelly Anderson Early Years SENDCo
Kirsty Pilkington Early Years Practitioner
Melissa Kay Early Years Practitioner
Suzanne Roberts Early Years Practitioner
Sarah Littler Early Years Practitioner
Jennifer Hedley-Duffell Early Years Practitioner
Aleesha Hyde Early Years Practitioner


Lesley Healey School Business Manager, DSL

Betty Healey                                                    School Dog

Tracey Beswick

Family Support Advisor, Governor


Jackie Walker

Najlaa Mahmoud

Catering Staff - Cook

Lunchtime Support


Simon Shaw

Site Manager

Linda Taylor Cleaner



Brijesh Patel Chair of Governors - Co-Opted Ji-Hyun Park

Local Authority Governor

Matthew Burke

Tracey Beswick

Co-Opted Governor

Co-Opted Governor

Nadia Ingham

James Garner

Parent Governor

Parent Governor

James Daly  Vice Chair of Governors - Co-Opted Joanne Holt

Staff Governor


Rachel O'Neil

Head Teacher


 Governors can be contacted through the school office 0161 761 6822 or via email at the following address hoyle@bury.gov.uk