Potty Training Children With Additional Needs
Please see the following information from 'Tiny Happy People'. Potty training for children with an additional need or a disability may take a little longer and they may need more support, but the process is essentially the same.
Please ask the Nursery staff if you require any further information and support.
Attention Autism - Stage 1
The children who are in our Resourced Provision at Hoyle, have daily Attention Autism Sessions. They begin at Stage 1 and work through progressively until they are at Stage 4.
In these photographs you can see our Stage 1 Bucket Time. Bucket time resources are quick and visual, to help develop shared attention, by looking and observing.
Attention Autism - Stage 2
In these photographs you can see our Stage 2 Attention Builder. The adult is gradually changing the colour of the water. This helps the children to maintain focus on a visual, sensory resource for a longer period of time.
Attention Autism - Stage 3
The Interactive Game - Here the children are waiting and taking turns. They can shift their attention. Each child has a turn at adding a marble onto the marble run.
Attention Autism - Stage 4
The Table Top Task - We call this our activity time. The children watch the adult complete a task and then they complete the same task independently. These photos show the children making a shape house.
Support For Parents
Click the links below to access a range of Padlets with lots of information and advice to support children who have a diagnosis of Autism or have Sensory Needs.
Supporting Your Neurodiverse Child
ASD Home Learning Resources and Advice
Stories with Symbols
We have some new library books to share with you and your child. We are excited to share them with you!
You will be able to access a video link that matches each book. This can be used as many times as you like. We hope it will support sharing the story together and learning new words with symbols/pictures.
Here the first books we will share.
Dear Zoo
That’s Not My Monkey
That’s Not My Dinosaur
Quack Quack
That’s Not My Panda
That's Not My Dog
That's Not My Fire Engine
Please click on the link below that matches your child’s library book each week.
Each video clip is split into 3 parts-
- Read a story.
- Learn some words.
- Say goodbye.
To access 'Dear Zoo'
To access 'That's Not My Monkey'
To access 'That's Not My Dinosaur'
To access 'Quack Quack'
To access 'That's Not My Panda'
To access 'That's Not My Dog'
To access 'That's Not My Fire Engine'
The Attention Autism Approach - Our Hello Song and The Bucket Stage.
We have filmed a 'Bucket Time' session with the children in our Foxes group for you to watch (as it was a big file it has been split into 2 clips). This may be something you might like to try at home. This approach helps to develop early focus, engagement and turn taking skills.
We hope you will find it useful, engaging and fun!